Changing Images of Istanbul in Turkish Cinema
Istanbul, Haydarpasa Station, city image(s), film, historical processAbstract
With the transformation of post-twentieth-century cities into metropoles, the city has become a complex structure that is hard to perceive. In this perception of the city, cinema stands in a different place than other arts by following a method (with camera) based on the recording in transferring reality. Making the city perceptible by its complex structure becomes possible with the films that present different images of the same city while telling a certain story, with its unique meaning, to the audience of each one. Istanbul was found worthy of being examined with its changing physical and social structure. In this study, the historical process of the Istanbul image has been examined through the films of Istanbul, which progressed rapidly along the path of metropolitanisation from the 1960s to post-2000. Haydarpasa Station was chosen as the most used common element in the films, and its changing images were figured out from different movies recorded between the 1960s and the post-2000s. These images provide the opportunity to summarise the historical process of the Istanbul image with different meanings of the same place (Haydarpasa Station). In the study, the meaning of films is read by bringing the selections captured from real places (form) and put together to produce a regular whole. In other words, the technique of cinema, which is transferring the real place (form) to meaning, is used as a method in the study while examining the films with the tableau concept of Roland Barthes. Additionally, qualitative methods are used, such as case studies and historical analysis of a single place in different time intervals.
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